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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


It looked like a prettier Clash of the Titans.  Sam Worthington and Henry Cavill even exuded the same reluctance in giving more than 3 facial expressions: brooding, angry, stoic.  Maybe I'll give Cavill an edge because he could certainly round his eyes more than Worthington.

The first and last movie I had ever seen Cavill in was as a young protaganist in the Count of Monte Cristo.  A quick internet research yielded that he was only 19 when he did that.  I remember thinking of him as a young actor who could convey a lot of emotions in not-a-lot-of-screen-time.  Alhtough I hear that he did very well in Tudors, I unfortunately think that Cavill was a much better big screen actor at 19 than at 28 (his age now). 

I wonder how he would do in Superman: The Man of Steel.  It's a movie I'm looking forward to seeing and it's my fiercest hope that he delivers better than in the forgettable Immortals.


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