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Sunday, April 18, 2010

License Examination for Teachers April 2010

I woke up early to accompany my best friend to the University of the East. That's where she is now taking her License Examination for Teachers (LET).

We got there pretty early and hung out at the nearby Mcdonald's, which was chock full of people in white - the required shirt/blouse color of the examinees. Not all of our aspiring teachers followed the dress code though. Some were in orange, green, pink, blue.  I guess you can't beat having your own lucky color.

She, looking calm and collected, went inside promptly at 6:30 am.  I think I was more nervous for her.  She wasnt able to review enough because of work. Sigh, c'est la vie!  I just hope to God she makes it because I'm quite sure that she'll be one wonderful teacher.


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